Saturday, May 3, 2008

Social & Political Concerns

Dear Friends,

Matters that have significant impact on the people need to be openly debated with philosophy and rationality. The outcome of the just-concluded 12th General Elections has indicated and affirmed the desire of Malaysians to reject a government that is biased and over skewed to just its own selfish and oppressive preferences and agenda to the neglect of the majority of the citizens. A government that only pretends to care for all will eventually be discovered and replaced by a more honest, transparent and just government.

This blog is dedicated to the continued open debates on building a Malaysia wherein all Malaysians feel a genuine sense of belonging, pride and trust. I feel that the East Malaysian states have been sidelined and marginalised when many major decisions for the states are done by Kuala Lumpur without due consultation with the eastern states leaders and the people, more so if the decisions have a direct adverse impact on Sabahans.

Some of us do feel that sabahans are bullied by the powers that be from the nation's capital. Surely, this is not the Malaysia we are eager to dream of and think about. Sabahans want a just and fair deal. Sabahans, too, should be given prominent active roles in nationhood building and not be treated as mere political pawns for the benefits of just a single racial group.

As a lecturer and politician I welcome all views that will point to the truth of all realities that will ultimately liberate us, the marginalised and oppressed, by being enlightened by our own honest debates. As the saying goes, "the person who discovers the problem is the right person to fix it."

Let us fix a collapsing Malaysia once and for all and let's begin NOW.


Benjamin Basintal


Spirit said...

I fully support this concrete initiative of Mr Ben.We need philosophers to ensure a stable nation, not keris brandishers! The life of the mind must be inculcated. There must be true freedom of religion in Malaysia if we want to avoid revolution!


My friend
its good to c u bloggin
keep up the good work
will be watching u
all the best

Bagang said...
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Bagang said...

Yes! Keep up your GREAT works..All The Best!!